
Please take a moment to tell us howour delivery of Positive Ageing has been in these challenging times. Your feedback is essential. Please return this form to SWAP 54 GortviewClose, Omagh, BT79 7WU or your local group if you are a member – your entrywill be entered into a drawwhich will take place on 30 November 2020. NAME................................................................................................................ Tel No: ..................................................................... √ Please rate your level of satisfaction on the scale from 1 to 5 (5 represents the highest level of satisfaction and 1 the lowest) 1 2 3 4 5 1. Your ENJOYMENT of Positive Ageing October      2. Did Positive Ageing October make you feel      LESS ISOLATED and more INVOLVED 3. How EASY did you find it to access events      held during positive ageing 4. HowCONFIDENT did you feel accessing      online activities? 5. The RELEVANCE of the activities during      Positive Ageing October 6. How POSITIVE (on the scale of 1 to 5)      are you about getting older? 7. Do you have access to a digital device? Yes  No  8. Would you like the loan of a digital device to see if this is something you would like? Yes  No  9. Did you need support to access the online activities? Yes  No  10. Do you use? (please circle all relevant)  none of the below  Email  Facebook  Twitter  Instagram  Youtube  Whatsapp 11. How did you know about Positive Ageing October? (please circle all relevant)  Word of mouth  Facebook  Text message/WhatsAap  Personal Phonecall  Poster  Befriending Service Email 12. Are you a registered member of a group? Yes  No  Thank you very much for your time POSITIVE AGEING OCTOBER 2020 Evaluation - How did we do? 4. How positive are you about growing older? Yes No 3. Are you a member of an older persons group? 2. Would you come back to similar events? 1. How much did y u joy events in P sitive Ageing Month? Yes No 5. Do you feel attending older peoples events make you feel more included in society? Yes No 6 How did you find out about Positive Ageing Month? newspaper email website friends/family social media 7. What (if anything) did you ain from att nding any events during Positive Ageing? new skill met new people Fitness feel more involved new information did not gain 8. Please provide us with y ur postcod : 55-64 9. Any comments : Are you aged? Are you? Male Female Transgender prefer not to say 65-74 75+ prefer not to say local club