2022-2032 Vistitor Experience Development Plan

Gortin Lakes Contents 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Designing a Visitor Experience Development Plan for Fermanagh & Omagh 1.3 A commitment to the future 1.4 Regenerative tourism – beyond sustainability 1.5 VICE sustainable tourism development framework 1.6 An outcomes-based approach 1.7 Vision & Aims 2.0Where are we now? 2.1 One destination – two distinct propositions 2.2 Fermanagh Lakelands 2.3 Omagh and The Sperrins 2.4 Networks of connectivity and destination hubs 2.5What has been done and what has worked? 3.0 Market assessment 3.1 The tourism landscape 3.2 Accommodation provision 3.3 Comparisons 3.4 Maintaining the ‘staycation’ 3.5 Evolving trends 3.6 Insight driven recovery and growth 3.7Where can we learn from? 3.8Who are our visitors? - Domestic market - Republic of Ireland market - Out of state markets 3.9 Commercial opportunities 3.10 New experience development 2 4.0 A Vision for Fermanagh & Omagh 4.1 Creating a connected experience pre and post visit 4.2 Recent & current investment projects to enhance tourism opportunities 4.3 Proposed capital investments to enhance tourism opportunities 4.4 Become a temporary local 4.5 A unified goal 4.6What experiences do we want to nurture and build? 4.7 Plan framework 5.0 Implementation 5 .1 Core principles underpinning delivery 5.2 Action plan 6.0 Funding the Plan 7.0 A newway of measuring success 8.0 Appendices X Current experiences & performance Xl SWOT analysis Xll How are we meeting market need Xlll Engagement survey